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Exceptional Children

Special Education and Related Services

Caswell County Schools provides special education and related services according to the federal mandates of the Individual with Disabilities Education Act and the regulations of the North Carolina Public School Law, Article 9.

Caswell County Schools Exceptional Children Department serves about 450 students with special needs, ages 3- 21. The school system provides a continuum of service to meet individual student needs. Whenever possible, students are served in schools in their base attendance area with support from special education and related services and/or building modifications.  For students who require a separate setting or more intensive services in order to benefit from their special education, programs may be clustered centrally but continue to be based on school campuses that house age appropriate peers.

The Public Schools of North Carolina, Exceptional Children Division provides local units with detailed policies for the delivery of special education services. These rules and regulations are detailed in Policies Governing Services for Children With Disabilities, Amended March 2021 from the Department of Public Instruction.

Services are provided under the following categorical designations:

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Marcella Barefoot

Titles: AIG Coordinator
Locations: Central Office
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-4116

Rebecca Day

Titles: School Psychologist
Locations: Central Office
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-4116

Jessica Mitchell

Titles: Administrative Assistant
Locations: Central Office
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-4116

Nelson Showalter

Titles: Exceptional Children Director
Locations: Central Office
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-4116

Calla Wilson

Titles: PreSchool Coordinator
Locations: Central Office
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-4116