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Parent Information

Parent Resources for Students with Disabilities

Parent Resources and Links

·        North Carolina Department of Instruction - EC Parent Resources

·        Handbook on Parent’s Rights – English

·        Handbook on Parent’s Rights – Spanish

         (Manual de DERECHOS de los Padres)

·        Child Find Brochure

               - For more information, contact the Exceptional Children's Department at:

                       * 336-694-4116 x.70

·        Dispute Resolution (link to NCDPI)

               - Parents are asked to speak with the school (teacher/principal) with concerns first. 

               - If additional concerns persist, contact the EC Director.

·        Dyslexia Information

·        Testing Students with Disabilities

 Support Agencies in North Carolina

·        VayaHealth

·        Caswell County Partnership for Children

·        Autism Society of North Carolina

·        Carolina Institute of Developmental Delays

·        Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center

·        Family Support Network of North Carolina

·        ARC of North Carolina

·        TEACCH

·        Vocational Rehabilitation Services of NC

Newsletters from the Exceptional Children Department


MTSS for Families - Information and Resources from NCDPI

Enrolling New Students with Disabilities to Caswell County Schools

New to Caswell County Schools

If you are new to Caswell County Schools and have a child who has been receiving special education services, you will need to register your child at their base school and provide them with documentation of your child's special needs (i.e., a copy of the student's Individualized Education Plan).  For unique services, the child may need to be located at a different school.  This decision is made upon review of the IEP.

Preschool Services for Students with Disabilities

Preschool Special Education

The Caswell County School’s Exceptional Children’s program provides preschool services to 3, 4, and non-kindergarten eligible 5-year-old children who demonstrate significant delays in their development and have been evaluated and determined eligible for special education services under NC eligibility guidelines.

Parents, physicians, child care providers, social workers, etc. who have any concerns regarding a preschooler’s development are encouraged to notify the Preschool Exceptional Children’s Department so that a developmental screening can be scheduled. 

Preschool Screening

Screenings are scheduled by the Preschool Coordinator at the Bartlett Yancey Administration Building. A Developmental Screening may include the following:

  • Vision and/or hearing screening
  • Social developmental history
  • Concepts
  • Speech/language
  • Motor skills

For more information about this process, contact:

Calla Wilson, EC Preschool Coordinator, (336) 694-4116 x. 71,

Preschool Special Education Services

Preschool special education services are based on an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that is written for each child determined to be eligible for special education services due to significant delays in developmental skills. Goals and objectives are written according to an educational model. Any related services that the child receives are designed to support the child's educational needs.

Program Services for Students with Disabilities

EC Programs and Services

Continuum of Programs and Services – Least Restrictive Environment

Caswell County Schools provides a full continuum of services.  Students with disabilities may receive co-teaching (inclusion), pull-out special education or self-contained settings for specific needs. These decisions are made by IEP teams.

To the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities, including children in public or other educational facilities, are to be educated with children who are not disabled. In addition, to the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities are to participate with non-disabled peers in both non-academic and extracurricular activities. 

Specially Designed Instruction

Specially designed instruction is designed to meet the needs of all students with disabilities and consists of:

  • Access to the general curriculum and intervention programs
  • Full continuum of services that are provided in the least restrictive environment and may include: co-teaching (inclusion), small group classes or self-contained settings.
  • Instruction in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and North Carolina Extended Content Standards
  • Related services may include speech, occupational and physical therapy
  • Specialized instruction for students with hearing impairments, visual impairments and physical disabilities
  • Modifications and accommodations
  • Accessible space in schools to meet the needs of students with physical disabilities 
  • Appropriate technology to support students

Service Delivery

A full continuum of services is offered in Caswell County Schools.  Individual Education Program (IEP) teams consider service delivery options based on the needs of each student. Teams may consider regular, resource or separate settings which are available at every school for students participating in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.  Teams may also consider self-contained classes for students with significant cognitive disabilities who participate in the North Carolina Extended Content Standards.

Students with disabilities most often receive special education in one of the following educational settings: 

  • Regular Setting (general skills): Students with disabilities who receive the majority of their educational program, 80% or more of the day, with non-disabled peers.
  • Resource Setting (targeted skills): Students with disabilities who receive general education 40% - 79% of the day with non-disabled peers.
  • Separate Setting (sustained or intensive skills): Students with disabilities who receive general education 39% or less of the day with non-disabled peers.

Disciplinary Procedures for Students with Disabilities

Caswell County Schools may suspend any student for certain violations of the student code of conduct.

o    After 10 school days of suspension, the child’s IEP Team must determine whether the student’s misconduct is a manifestation of the disability.

o    A student with a disability who is removed from their current placement for more than 10 school days must continue to receive educational services, so as to allow him/her to continue to participate in the general education curriculum and to progress toward meeting goals outlined in his/her IEP; and, as appropriate, receive a functional behavioral assessment (FBA), and behavioral intervention services and modifications that are designed to address the behavior violation.

Special Transportation for Students with Disabilities

EC Special Transportation

Special transportation is a related service for students that require special accommodation and/or equipment for travel to and from school.  This need is determined by school-based IEP teams and included in a student's individual education plan.  

Any special transportation concerns should be directed to the student's special education teacher/case manager and school-based transportation coordinator.