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Health Services


The Mission of the Caswell County School Nurses is to enhance the educational potential of all students by promoting wellness and facilitating the resolution of health concerns.

Please contact us if you have any medical questions or concerns. Our contact information can be found below.


Caswell County School Nurses

from left to right: Amy Adkins, Amy Carter, Nikki Hodges, Kim Shelton, Kim Miller, and Mary Holderness



Amy Adkins

Titles: School Nurse (RN, BSN, NCSN)
Locations: Bartlett Yancey Senior High
Departments: School Nurse
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-4212
Mobile: (336) 514-2752

Amy Harger-Carter

Titles: School Nurse (RN, BSN, NCSN)
Locations: Oakwood Elementary School
Departments: School Nurse
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-4221

Mary Holderness

Titles: School Nurse (RN, BSN, NCSN)
Locations: N.L. Dillard Middle School
Departments: School Nurse
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-6222

Kim Miller

Titles: Nurse (RN)
Locations: South Elementary School
Departments: School Nurse
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-1212

Jessica Mitchell

Titles: Administrative Assistant
Locations: Central Office
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-4116

Kimberly Shelton

Titles: School Nurse (RN, BSN, NCSN, Lead Nurse)
Locations: North Elementary School
Departments: School Nurse
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 388-2222