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Digital Learning Professional Development

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Arts Education Professional Development Catalog

This document contains titles, descriptions, and links to professional development orchestrated by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Arts Education Section in the Academic Standards Division. Topics are organized thematically, with the newest professional development offerings closest to the beginning of this document.


CANVAS Training

This hands-on course is designed to help educators get started using ChatGPT to save time, engage students, and implement AI responsibly.

Google Courses for Educators

Including Google Classroom, Workspace (Email, Drive, Documents, Spreasheets, Slides, etc.), Tools, Chromebooks, Digital Citizenship, Diverse learners and more. 


Magic School (AI Resources for Teachers)

PD Resources
Bringing MagicSchool Artificial Inteligence to your school? Interested in how to use MagicSchool in your classroom? Explore these free Community Resources.

NCEES Professional Development

(IAM Credentials required)


PBS Teacherline

PBS online professional development has this list of self-paced courses for educators (including PBIS course). Many of the self-paced courses are free. NOTE: They have some courses that cost so please look carefully for the free courses).



Online Professional Learning for Educators at the Friday Institute