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Student Services

Student Services

Student Services provides guidance and leadership to stakeholders in planning and coordinating various programs in the areas of prevention, intervention, and assistance. The Student Services Office works closely with and supports the efforts of School Counselors, School Nurses, District Social Worker, and Resource Officers in addressing the needs of students including attendance, discipline, academics, and health and medical. Our McKinny Vento District liaison is Dr. Medina Jones.  Dr. Jones can be contacted at or at 336-694-4116 ext. 11.

Social Worker/McKinny Vento Support

The School Social Worker promotes and enhances the overall academic mission by providing services that strengthen home, school, and community partnerships and address barriers to learning and achievement. The School Social Worker significantly contributes to the development of a healthy, safe, and caring environment for children, while providing intervention and support services for students and families. Social Worker services include:

  1. Developing intervention strategies to increase students’ academic success and to improve graduation rates;
  2. Identifying and utilizing community resources to meet students’ needs; and
  3. Working with parents to access interventions and programs aimed at increasing students’ success in school.
  4. Leads the support of McKinney Vento needs and services in collaboration with the director.

School Nurses

School Health Nursing Services are an integral part of the educational process at each of the district’s elementary, middle, and high schools. School nursing services address the health needs of each student through a process of identification, intervention, and elimination of health related barriers which adversely affect student learning. School nursing services include:

  1. Individual health care needs assessments of students and staff;
  2. Health care plan development, revision, and evaluation;
  3. Instruction and oversight for medication administration processes at school;
  4. Emergency and injury care, planning, and training; and
  5. Assure that all health related procedures and treatments are performed safely and accurately by trained school personnel.


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1 2 > showing 1 - 10 of 11 constituents

Amy Adkins

Titles: School Nurse (RN, BSN, NCSN)
Locations: Bartlett Yancey Senior High
Departments: School Nurse
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-4212
Mobile: (336) 514-2752

Amy Harger-Carter

Titles: School Nurse (RN, BSN, NCSN)
Locations: Oakwood Elementary School
Departments: School Nurse
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-4221

Mary Holderness

Titles: School Nurse (RN, BSN, NCSN)
Locations: N.L. Dillard Middle School
Departments: School Nurse
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-6222

Viviana Jaramillo

Titles: ESL Coordinator
Locations: Central Office
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-4116

Medina Jones

Titles: CTE, Secondary Curriculum, & Student Support Services Director
Locations: Central Office
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-4116

Lisa Lassiter

Titles: CTE Department
Locations: Central Office
Phone Numbers:
Work: 336-694-4116

Kim Miller

Titles: Nurse (RN)
Locations: South Elementary School
Departments: School Nurse
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-1212

Jessica Mitchell

Titles: Administrative Assistant
Locations: Central Office
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-4116

Christie Patton

Titles: Drop Out Prevention Specialist
Locations: Bartlett Yancey Senior High
Departments: Alternative Program
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 694-4212 ext. 249

Kimberly Shelton

Titles: School Nurse (RN, BSN, NCSN, Lead Nurse)
Locations: North Elementary School
Departments: School Nurse
Phone Numbers:
School: (336) 388-2222